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This is not a prayer. This is not a mantra. This is not a meditation to evoke hope or calm.

Instead, it’s a powerful practice of personal awareness, responsibility, and accountability. To be the change you wish to see in the world.

I’m practicing with you. Again and again.


May I face my fear instead of turn away from it with blame and busyness

May I embrace my anxiety and hold it with care like a newborn baby

May I use my anger for the good of humanity and not exploit it with harmful behaviors

May I refrain from using my energy to disperse more fright in the world; and instead, act with the sharp sword of effectiveness


May I disengage from speculation

so my mind can be open for new possibilites

to hear my neighbor’s pain,

even if he or she is unwilling to hear mine


May I seek to understand the enemy within myself –

to be compassionate with my own shadow

so I can be the strength of peace in the world,

always ready to raise the warrior’s sword of truth with wise discipline


May I be open enough

to not be terrified of my brother’s or sister’s actions

so I can see clearly

the work that I must do


May I not tolerate abuse of any kind

and be patient with these new experiments in love,

for I am now making amends where I have hurt myself and others

with my non-action


May my disappointment steer me

to stand and speak

where I have been silent


May I be willing to tolerate

the discomfort and suffering

doing love’s work will take


May I use periods of groundless uncertainty

to root me deeper in the still waters

of my breath and heartbeat


May I not neglect my own need for rest and laughter

for I am best resourced with a heart that is light


Aware of my anger, I breathe in

Smiling at my anger, I breathe out


Aware of the conditions that contribute to my fear, I breathe in

Smiling at the conditions that contribute to my fear, I breathe out


Aware of the pain within my own heart, I breathe in

Smiling at the pain within my own heart, I breathe out


Aware of the pain within my neighbor’s heart, I breathe in

Smiling at the pain within my neighbor’s heart, I breathe out


Aware of my resolve to speak where I have been silent, I breathe in

Smiling at my resolve to speak where I have been silent, I breathe out


Aware of my resolve to take effective action where I have been stagnant, I breathe in

Smiling at my resolve to take effective action where I have been stagnant, I breathe out


Aware of what I need to refrain from and what I need to do now, I breathe in and out


Again and again.


With love and common humanity,

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