Does your partner need you less stressed?

Because mine did.

Prior to my chronic stress collapse, my stress level had been steadily escalating for many years.

I had been given more responsibility at work. My mind was pre-occupied with how to get things done, who needed what, how to keep all the parts moving and meet our business objectives.

In turn, my emotions were more difficult to navigate because my internal need for control and things to ‘look good’ on the outside were driving me crazy.

I wasn’t able to be there for my husband.

I wasn’t available, even when I was sitting right next to him.

I was always somewhere else, preoccupied with everything going on at work and the pressure I felt inside myself.

It became a survival mode for me, and it hurt him deeply.

Have you ever tried to talk to someone who isn’t really there? It hurts.

Have you ever tried to encourage or express concern for someone you care about, but they won’t accept or receive it? It really hurts.

If you stay in this pattern for months to years, damage gets done.

The other person has a right to protect themselves from your lack of availability.

It becomes a house of void, autopilot, or pretend instead of a house of open hearts.

And it’s not just with partners. It’s with kids too.

One of the top reasons my clients decide to take action and invest time and money to work with me is because they want their marriage to work and/or they want to be the best mom they can.

I’ve heard my clients tell me stories of their children – all from age 4 to 22 – who say, ‘Mom, you’re not listening.’

Kids who ask Mom to do something fun with them, and Mom can’t or Mom does, but isn’t able to be fully with them because she’s so preoccupied with stuff to do and thoughts to manage.

And these are the lucky Moms whose children still ask for her attention.

Once kids become pre-adolescents to young adults, these opportunities slip away.

The kids learn mom isn’t really available, and cope in either healthy or unhealthy ways to get their needs met.

And so does your partner.

Don’t let this be you.

Just as much as your partner or kids are hurting, you are hurting too, even though on the outside everything looks fine.

Don’t wait for a marital crisis like I did or your kids to slip away from you, until you learn to wake up to what matters most.

I help professional women just like you learn to navigate your responsibilities, take care of yourself, and learn to be present and available for who you love the most.

Setting boundaries won’t help. You can turn your laptop off at 6 PM, but your mind and body are still somewhere else.

There’s something deeper going on that wants your love and attention so you can give your love and attention to others.

I know how to help you do that because I’ve done it myself and have helped dozens of other women do the same.

It requires self-reflection, gentleness, and the heart to open yourself up to another way that doesn’t involve goal-setting or rigidity.

It takes a decision that you are ready to live as you really believe, and not let work, stress, or other people rule your life.

I offer a private Freedom From Chronic Stress Coaching program where we work together one on one to help you experience permanent relief of chronic stress.

WorkWithMe Page Freedom from Chronic Stress Program Image

Is Working Together Right For You? 

In turn you:

  • Calm the racing mind for less worry, better focus, rest, + sleep
  • Stop letting work, tension, and pressure rule your life so you can enjoy your life and the ones you love
  • Learn to take care of yourself so you have the energy and resources for the important people and activities in your life
  • Stop living on autopilot. Be clear, confident, and conscious in your decision making so you make the best choices that support what is most important to you – without fear, guilt or regret
  • Calm the urge to overdo and over-extend by replacing ‘the should’ voices, resentment, judgment, guilt, with compassion and mindful presence. In turn, you are able to live in the moment and fully connect with yourself, nature, and the ones you love


Listen to Mary’s experience after we worked together in the program:

“The peace behind my smile is real now

Before I started Angela’s program, I gave the impression I was successful, happy and had it all together, but inside I was lacking peace and joy. No job is worth running yourself into the ground.

My young adult children would come visit me and I found myself missing half of what they said because I was distracted.

I felt a void between me and my husband because we were so busy working to achieve success that we lost track of taking care of each other. Some might call it a rat race. 

I am so glad I hung in there as Angela’s patience and compassion have helped me to have that same compassion for myself.

I no longer feel overwhelmed. 

I now feel comfortable telling people I am not available. I have learned to let go and trust other people to do various jobs that I used to feel responsible for in my business.

I no longer dread getting up in the morning because I have stopped being a controller.

I have learned to sit with the negative, make a decision on how to handle it and move on –no more dwelling on the “I should have’s.”

I think clearly now. I don’t feel guilty if I can’t meet everyone’s expectations.

I recommend Angela’s Freedom from Chronic Stress Program  for the woman who thinks she has to be it all and do it all, for the woman who strives for perfection and doesn’t want to disappoint.

I have gone from being a ‘human doing’ to becoming a ‘human being’ again.”

                                                                                     – Mary K Real Estate Agent


After years of trying, frustration and searching for a way to be available and at peace, I found a methodology that works.

I knew there were women out there just like me – socialized to do more, to plow through, to not make too many waves – that I could help.

The results you experience from coaching with me is because there’s a method behind it – we have 8 private coaching sessions (we can work together wherever you live!) that take you through 5 mindful and organized steps so you live an unburdened and reconnected life, even if you have a demanding job.

You’ll be available to the ones you love. And you’ll feel lighter, relaxed, and at peace.

WorkWithMe Page Freedom from Chronic Stress Program Image

Is Working Together Right For You?

Enrollment in the Freedom from Chronic Stress Coaching Program is now open, and I have 8 free consultation spots available.

  • I’m looking for a woman who is ready to stop letting her work, her problems, her mind, and her self-pressure rule her life
  • I’m looking for a woman who is ready to wake up to what is most important to her and align her actions accordingly

It’s such a relief to live this way!

I invite you to learn more about coaching with me and to apply for a free consultation.

8 spots available and the deadline to apply is Friday, February 5.

Doing nothing or hoping or trying the same thing over and over again isn’t working. Your partner wants you back. Your kids want you back. And you want you back.

Click here to learn more about the Freedom from Chronic Stress Coaching Program. There are better days ahead if you look within and change yourself first.

All My Best,
